
What determines the success of a business? Is it luck? Hard work? Passion? Maybe.

Snapchat… It started out as an app created so that “eager” high school and college students could send questionably appropriate photos without having to worry about them ending up on the internet. Now, it has become one of the single most influential, powerful, and (potentially) lucrative social media platforms in the world.

Twitter stock is at an all time low and it’s breaking my heart.  Not because I own stock in the company but because I don’t feel that it’s full potential has been reached or that it’s user base is using the platform correctly.

Here’s an interesting fact for you: 90% of online marketers use Facebook

Sales. It’s the driving force behind business. Some owners enjoy it; most don’t.

No matter what you’ve heard, you don’t HAVE to be on every social media platform. I think that the #1 mistake most people make with social media marketing is to try to force a presence on every social media platform.

With thousands of apps flooding the market everyday it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle.  It’s been awhile since I found an app that really got me excited about the future of connecting people across the globe.

All I do everyday is field calls and emails from potential clients looking to boost their visibility on Google.  I can’t tell you how much time I’ve spent debunking myths that clients hear from other SEO companies.  It’s mind blowing that some of these SEO companies are even in business with how much nonsense they are …

6 SEO Myths to Forget in 2015 Read More »

Every time I design a site I always think that it’ll stand the test of time and i’ll never need to update it.  I will always be wrong about this because websites are always evolving and changing. This particular site has gone through 2 major overhauls in 5 years.  The question you need to ask …

How to Redesign Your Website Without Losing Sales or Traffic Read More »